Pictures of my TRRRENNNNDAAYY outfit 7.08


Leather shorts + cool and relaxed blouse + shoes  tall enough to make up for the veggies I refused to eat as a kid. (bonus points for matching my hair) These leather shorts have become one of the best purchases I’ve ever made. They are high-quality, versatile, and aren’t obnoxious or tight. They are perfect for summer nights, as long as it isn’t a bajillion degrees outside. This easy breezy shirt is also ideal for summer nights because it can breath, but has just enough fabric to ward of chill as the sun sets.  I was pretty pumped to find these new wedges at a little boutique on my street. I adore the feeling of wearing heels, but lawd knows this city wasn’t made for pumps!

Enjoy this musical edition of TRRRENDDAYY outfit! I’m still so obsessed with this song, and heard on the radio today that Robin Thicke might actually be considering changing his name to “Blurred Lines”… hmm… Let’s pretend like that is a great idea and dance about it…..


…. and that was the story of how Caroline split her leather shorts.

Haha just kidding the shorts are fine, but that did make a better story, didn’t it?

Don’t try these dance moves at home. Or wait… actually if you must do them at home go right ahead. They sure as hell don’t belong in public.
